Daily Archives: January 4, 2012

  1. Margin Call – A great movie about wall-street that seemed to come and go before anyone even knew it was in the theaters.  The studios did nothing to promote the film and when Sam and I tried to find it in L.A., the city of all things movie, we found it in only 1 theater.  Arguably one of the best films of 2011 with a particularly stellar performance by the show-stealing, Paul Bettany.
  2. Midnight In Paris – My personal favorite of 2011, a film that made my imagination soar and then brought me back down to earth to appreciate what I have.  An ingratiating performance by Owen Wilson whose range is not well, expansive.  Mostly though, it’s Woody Allen’s writing and directing that make this film as magical as it is.  Not a movie to be missed.
  3. Crazy, Stupid, Love – So much more than I expected and I’m not just talking about Ryan Gosling’s abs.  Sweet, romantic, sad, and surprisingly funny all at the same time; I left the theater after this one and gave my husband a hug.  Who ever said love was easy?
  4. The Help – Yet another movie starring the gorgeous and ridiculously talented, Emma Stone.  I went into this film thinking I was about to see a comedy, but left with tears in my eyes.  For those of us who have grown up in a brave new world, this flashback into the deep south is heart-wrenching.  Talk about some mean women, phew.
  5. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy – Even if you’ve read the book, this movie sucks you in and holds you underwater until you’re gasping.  Slow and methodical, with nothing sexy or James Bondish about it, this is a great spy thriller for those who like the genre.  And forget about action; except for an incredibly disturbing scene at the beginning, the excitement of this movie is all in the head.

(Bonus) Moneyball – I know you think I added this one onto my list because of the gorgeousness that is Brad Pitt (which helps the movie for sure), but that’s not it.  For me to be able to sit through a sports movie and leave the theater with a smile on my face says a lot.  It’s undeniably a good film and even if you’ve got zero interest in the game that is baseball, it’s still a movie you shouldn’t miss.  Plus, there is the Brad Pitt factor.

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January 4, 2012 · 12:39 pm